Downloadable Trademark Registration Renewal Timeline Worksheet

Hello Reader,

J.J. here, we have something special for you today!
Due to the many misleading letters and scams out there, we're providing you your own Trademark Registration Renewal Timeline Worksheet so you can record, document and keep something on file for reference.
Here is a quick video on how to use it:

Trademark Registration Renewal Timeline Worksheet
Trademark Registration Renewal Timeline Worksheet Video
Click on this link to the USPTO's document form search and then enter your Registration Number or Serial Number:
Trademark Status & Document Retrieval
Here is the link to the actual PDF download:

Trademark Registration Renewal Timeline Download.pdf

Let us know if this is helpful or if there is anything else we can add.


"KFC has always credited its tasty chicken to a perfect blend of 11 herbs and spices, but Colonel Sanders probably never expected his very own nephew to reveal that recipe to the world."
KFC’s famous top secret '11 herbs and spices' was leaked by Colonel Sanders’ nephew

Starting next week, we'll be providing more resources, more tips, and more of us!
Have a great week!

Warm regards,
J.J. Lee and the Trademark Lawyer Law Firm Team!

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